Thursday, January 12, 2012

Do performing many 400m run can make me a BETTER 400m sprinter? Will it reduce my fast twitch muscle fibers?

or STILL it will increase my fast twitch muscle fibers? Will it improves my ANAEROBIC RESPIRATION? please prove your answer. thanks!

We all know that the 400m is not entirely anaerobic, and sprinter's don't mostly rely on anaerobic respiration rather than just aerobic respiration, like the distance runner does.Do performing many 400m run can make me a BETTER 400m sprinter? Will it reduce my fast twitch muscle fibers?
Running many 400m is not good training for the 400m. If you are doing many, you can't do them anywhere near as fast as you would be capable of running in a race. In almost every track event you train at shorter (and faster) than competitive distance to build speed and longer (and obviously slower) than race distance to build endurance. Nothing will increase or decrease your fast twitch muscle fibers, you are born with the number you will die with.Do performing many 400m run can make me a BETTER 400m sprinter? Will it reduce my fast twitch muscle fibers?
It depends on your speed or percentage of maximum effort that is used during these 400meters runs.

To train for the 400 a runner must work on the different types of conditioning, and speed.

You can not increase the percentage of fast twitch muscle fibers.

What you do is train those fibers for the event.

It is not true that 400 runners rely mostly on aerobic respiration, this is a sprint, and almost all of the conditioning is anaerobic.

It is not a distance race, in fact, the 800 is considered 50/50 as to respiration and conditioning.

If you do the intervals necessary to train for the 400, and that includes running from 100 up to 600 then you will train mostly on speed, and stress endurance, not aerobic.Do performing many 400m run can make me a BETTER 400m sprinter? Will it reduce my fast twitch muscle fibers?
your fast twitch fibers don't increase or decrease- you have what you have..they do need to be worked out like any muscle..running 400m sprints will help..but there is so much more that goes into training

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