Thursday, January 12, 2012

How do I become a faster sprinter for tennis?

I play women's tennis--a beginner, age 40. I've never really been quick on my feet. Are there any drills or exercises anyone might suggest to help me become more quick and explosive? Thanks!How do I become a faster sprinter for tennis?
These aren't drills but they will help.

First you should never stop moving you feet. You should be moving. Tennis is more of a foot sports than anything (yes, i know you use a racket) you should always be shuffling you feet.

Then as your opponent is about to make contact with you ball, split step. This will give you more "flexibility" to move in any direction.

And lastly, after you hit the ball, and if you are not in the right position on the court, cross over and side step your way back to around the center. Keep you head still and bend you knees. Keep you head straight and you will be able to go a lot fasterHow do I become a faster sprinter for tennis?
There are lots of footwork exercises and drills that will greatly help you to improve your footspeed and quickness. I will list some of my favorites.

-Set up a cone on the middle of the baseline(back line) and a cone in the middle of the right box and a cone in the middle of the lex box of the baseline. So this is what the baseline should look like.

------A-------A------A-------- The a's are the cones. Start behind the middle cone. Have someone feed a tennis ball to the right of the far right tennis cone. Hit the ball run around in front of the cone all the way until you are behind the middle cone again. He should then hit a ball to the left of the far left tennis cone. Run and hit it and run around in front of the cone in a circle until you are behind the middle cone again. This exercise will help improve your footspeed and quickness.

-Suicides also work well. Stand parallel with the net looking at the half of tennis court that you are on. Stand on the far left doubles line. Run to the inside doubles line touch it with your hand than run back and touch the far left doubles line. Than run to the middle service box line and touch it and run back to the far left service line. Than run to the inside right doubles line and touch it and run back. Than run and touch the far right doubles line and run back and touch the far left outside doubles line. Repeat this as many times as you want. Improves foot speed, endurance, and stamina.

-Stand at the net with your tennis racket. Have your partner hit you a volley to your forehand side and then your backhand side and than an overhead. After you hit those run back to the baseline and hit a forehand ground stroke cross court and then hit a backhand ground stroke cross court and then hit a forehand down the line and than hit a backhand down the line. Finally run up and hit a short ball in the service box with your forehand and then run and hit a short ball in the service box with your backhand. All of this crisscrossing across the court will help your speed and movement and help you to time your shots better.

These are some of the drills that I use. If you need help with them or want others feel free to email me. Good luck!How do I become a faster sprinter for tennis?
Yes, jump rope daily and you will be amazed at how quickly you will acquire those fast feet.
compete in 100-m dash, if u get 10 seconds and below time, u'll be the fastest sprinter on tennis court..
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