Sunday, January 8, 2012

How do you know if you're a long distance or sprinter in cycling?

I'm wondering which I should work on. I was also wondering if you're a beginner in long distance, how many miles did you do a day? How many miles if you were a beginner sprinter? And how you figured out which type of cycler you are. Thank you!|||If you want to be a competitive cyclist yo need to cultivate long distance, sprinting and climbing. And don't forget down hill, total control of the bike in needed. You will have to spend more time doing that in which you are weaker.

For a beguiner long distance rider, you have to set your goals in 45 miles in three hours. When you can do that increase to 60 miles. By the fall, you should be able to participate on some 100 miles rides.

To cultivate your sprinting, you will need to be able to get to speeds of 25-35 mph for a minute at a time. Mix high intensity intervals with your riding.

And you have to be able to handle hills of 15% incline and eventually those 20%+.|||Well if you can do a 15 mile flat-ish course averaging about 25 mph, then you'll be a good sprinter. If you can go 75+ without keeling over, you might as well cultivate your long-distance talent.|||Depends upon age! if you are between 10 to 21 mostly your will be sprinter, 21 plus long distance.

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